Suddenly the statues around him come to life, he finds himself being chased around London by the taints - the evil statues who are often gargoyles. He is saved by the Gunner- a spit which is a statue in a form of a human being, the good statues basically- who helps him on his mission stop the war that George his created between the spits and the taints.
They are joined by a girl called Edie who, to George's amazement, can also see statues come to life, unlike George however Edie has the special talent of being a glint- which means she can see things that have already happened.
As they run around London visiting the other statues the three of them become closer and closer together. When some statues are very helpful and some not so helpful, all of these statues really can be found in London and there is a map in the front of the book on where to find them.
I really enjoyed this book as it was very exciting and I give it a 8 out of 10.
The next few book that I'm going to write about may not be in the correct order as I can't remember what order I read them in.
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